JKP guy
JKP guy
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Solar Heating- NO MPPT Invertor! (winter) Update pt1
Переглядів 7385 місяців тому
This is First part of my solar heater straight from solar panels to heating resistors. Winter test and calculations will be in the next video in few days because video was getting too long.
Vertical Box Potatoe test Result- Sorry bit Late
Переглядів 136 місяців тому
This is my experiment of growing large amount potatoes in small space using Vertical technique. Even I used proper soil - results are not very good.
How Much I Earned from Youtube per Full YEAR!
Переглядів 116 місяців тому
How Much I Earned from UA-cam per Full YEAR!
Youtube Screwed ME
Переглядів 56 місяців тому
UA-cam deminetized my channel after change of rules and still quietly running adverts on my videos without me knowing it.
I have got mice in the garage - I finally cauth them!
Переглядів 278 місяців тому
Quick video of my mouse trap where I finally cauth mice in my garage.
Straight Heat from Solar Panel PT2
Переглядів 12310 місяців тому
This is second part of my solar panel heating experiment and it is looking very promising so I am looking forward to test it in autumn and winter. #diysolarpanelheating #diysolarpanelpoolheater #diysolarpanelwaterheater #diysolarheatingpanels #diysolarpanelheater #diysolarpoweredwaterheater #diysolarpanelheatingand
Straight Heat - Solar Panel - No MPPT!
Переглядів 2,1 тис.10 місяців тому
Hello. This is first video of me testing how to get straight heat from solar panel withouth using MPPT inverter. #diysolarpanelheating #diysolarpanelpoolheater #diysolarpanelwaterheater #diysolarheatingpanels #diysolarpanelheater #diysolarpoweredwaterheater #diysolarpanelheatingand
Nice Zucchini Harvest
Переглядів 2611 місяців тому
This is just quick video of nice zucchini harvest and I was surprised how many zucchinnis are there in a such small space.
BBQ DIY Fire Place ?
Переглядів 27611 місяців тому
Simply I have wife with sausage roasting needs so I made fireplace for roasting sausages from scrap inox metal pieces.
Quick Strawberries
Переглядів 28Рік тому
Just quick update.
Vertical Box Potatoes Test 2023
Переглядів 34Рік тому
This is my experiment of growing large amount potatoes in small space using Vertical technique. This time I am not adding soil asa they grow because I tried it already with poor results. So I planted potatoes on the bottom and just cover them with half a meter of soil. Now I am waiting for a result.
Recoating DIY Playground After 3 Years
Переглядів 117Рік тому
This is just quick video of recoating p=layground after 3 years. Wood is still in good shape.
My Carrots Harvest of 2022
Переглядів 269Рік тому
This is quick video of my carrots harvest of 2022.
Wow to repair Old Solar Panel - Burned 1 Cell
Переглядів 3,6 тис.Рік тому
This is video of repairing an old solar panel. Laugh video used under creative common licence.
DIY NICD Drill Battery Repair.
Переглядів 46Рік тому
DIY NICD Drill Battery Repair.
DIY Strawberry - Herbs Water Raised Bed
Переглядів 41Рік тому
DIY Strawberry - Herbs Water Raised Bed
DIY Ornamental Garden - Tree bark replacement
Переглядів 762 роки тому
DIY Ornamental Garden - Tree bark replacement
DIY Battery Pack NIMH Cells Replacement
Переглядів 3042 роки тому
DIY Battery Pack NIMH Cells Replacement
DIY Shoe Rack
Переглядів 312 роки тому
DIY Shoe Rack
Easy DIY Grinding Table Full Video
Переглядів 1102 роки тому
Easy DIY Grinding Table Full Video
DIY Grinding Table From Scrap Material
Переглядів 172 роки тому
DIY Grinding Table From Scrap Material
DIY Simple Folding Door from Stainless Steel
Переглядів 1282 роки тому
DIY Simple Folding Door from Stainless Steel
2021 Organic Carrot
Переглядів 512 роки тому
2021 Organic Carrot
DIY - Simple but Robust - Handmade Clothes Air Drier
Переглядів 282 роки тому
DIY - Simple but Robust - Handmade Clothes Air Drier
Container Vegetable - Bucket Potatoe - Final Result
Переглядів 722 роки тому
Container Vegetable - Bucket Potatoe - Final Result
Garden After Few Days Of Holiday
Переглядів 222 роки тому
Garden After Few Days Of Holiday
Plant Dying After 4 Years Inside Closed Bottle
Переглядів 522 роки тому
Plant Dying After 4 Years Inside Closed Bottle
Next Update On My Potatoes and Carrot
Переглядів 672 роки тому
Next Update On My Potatoes and Carrot
Next Update - Almost Done With Adding Soil
Переглядів 422 роки тому
Next Update - Almost Done With Adding Soil


  • @onisiforosonisiforou
    @onisiforosonisiforou 27 днів тому

    Well done my friend , acts like this are a proof of the quality of the person / you are a very strong example how fathers and husbands should be !! i am sure by the time you uploaded this video you had a second child . However one thing is for sure . children that are born to parents like you they grow up happy , healthy in mind and become good members of the society !! Again well done !!

  • @IberianCraftsman
    @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

    You can melt poliestyrine using acetone and use it to coat things in plastic, it will solidify once the acetone dries

    • @jkp
      @jkp 23 дні тому

      Hello. Yes- I tried another experiment which I never upload because I started, than forgot and later I started again ... . Anyway I was melting polystyrol with petrol as petrol is cheaper than acetone and I tried to make some shapes and than also mixed it with sand to make bricks. The problem is that both acetone and petrol mix stink like hell so it can´t be used inside, next problem is that it will take very long time to dry, next problem is that polystyrol will shrink quite a lot when dried up, but biggest problem is that it is not UV resistant. My brick started to degrade extremely fast when it was on sunlight. So than I was thinking to make from this mixture protective wood coat for wood fence, but it is too much UV unstable so it is not good for it. So I do not know what it is good - for. There are better options for food protection with long and quite cheap in compare to standard wood coats, but polystyrol is not usable. Anyway, thanks for comment. Bye

  • @IberianCraftsman
    @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

    5:25 make a plastic hammer, drill a hole and add a wooden handle

  • @IberianCraftsman
    @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

    5:24 once soft you can put inside a wooden mold and apply pressure for it to acquire a shape

  • @IberianCraftsman
    @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

    4:05 stick a wooden handle in the middle and once it cools down you have a masonry hammer.

  • @IberianCraftsman
    @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

    For polystyrene use acetone better and keep adding more untill its a thick good, then you can give shape or apply to surfaces and once the acetone evaporates it will become a hard plastic, it also melt on superglue, usefull as a filler material.

  • @sandpine
    @sandpine Місяць тому

    They sell something like this specifically for market gardeners called a tilther. This is much less expensive.

    • @jkp
      @jkp Місяць тому

      Hi Yes. This is an old video- later I have bought cheap tilther which was so cheap and badly made I had to repair it few times, but as I am using it only once a year for very small area- I am able to still keeping it in working condition. The only problem with this cheap tilther is that it is too fast and throwing soil everywhere around. So I bought cheap AC motor speed controller and it is working- I can adjust speed as I need. Have a nice day.

  • @patrikmolnar2954
    @patrikmolnar2954 2 місяці тому

    Dear JKP guy, Could you help me please in repair of solar panels that have low power (due to the snail trail effect? May I contact you somehow?

    • @jkp
      @jkp 2 місяці тому

      Zdravím. Podle jména jste asi CZ nebo SK. V první řadě nejsem odborník na opravy solárních panelů a podle toho kde jsou solární panely umístněný to může mít v případě požáru dost velké následky, takže nemůžu doporučit opravovat solární panely a nejsem odpovědný za žádné škody, každý musí vědět co dělá a být odpovědný za své činy. Solární systémy občas způsobují požáry budov a pak je to těžký se soudit s pojišťovnou nebo někým kdo něco špatně udělal. Takže upozornění máme za sebou. Z toho co jsem se díval tak ,,snail trails´´ na solárních panelech je buď popraskaný samotný článek nebo oxidace kontaktů a cestiček v solárním panelu kde jsou zároveň při oxidaci mikrotrhliny. Ve většině případů je to způsobeno špatnou kvalitou článků, nebo nějakým problémem při výrobě kde do solárního panelu vstupuje vlhkost atd. Občas se to stává i u velkých výrobců kde se pak uplatňuje záruka a celá problematická série se stahuje z trhu. Jinak pak pozor na to protože tyhle špatně vyrobené panely se pak prodávají s velkou slevou s částečnou nebo žádnou zárukou. V mým případě jsem měl problém pouze s jedním článkem tak jsem ho vyřadil z oběhu že jsem ho v podstatě vyzkratoval ale takový panel bych nikdy nevrátil do sestavy na střechu kvůli bezpečnosti a pak následně degradaci výkonu celého systému. Já to mám jenom ´´na pokus´´. Solární panel má články které jsou zapojené sériově aby bylo dosaženo potřebného napětí a pak ty série jsou zapojené paralelně aby byl dosáhnutý požadovaná proud. Takže je to úplně jednoduchý princip stejně jako by jste chtěli spojit AA baterie. A teď k vašemu problému, záleží na tom jak velký je problém. Pokud se jedná jen o pár kusů solárních panelů nebo o hodně panelů tak bych v první řadě kontaktoval prodejce a uplatnil záruku pokud jsou panely ještě v záruce a pokud již záruka není, tak bych stejně kontaktoval prodejce a zeptal se ho jak postupovat protože výrobce by měl garantovat výkon po dobu cca 20 až 30 let. Tam ale nevidím moc šancí na úspěch. Takže se vracím k problému opravy panelu. Pokud je panel na střeše domu tak bych ho definitivně odpojil se sestavy kvůli riziku požáru a degradaci výkonu celé sestavy a tam je pak otázka jak jsou na tom ostatní panely jestli nestojí za zvážení demontovat a nahradit celou sestavu panelů novými. Například když má někdo 10 let staré panely tak výkon jednoho panelu byl kolem 200-250 w a dnes se dají koupit panely s tejného rozměru ale s dvounásobným výkonem, takže např 8 starých panelů se klidně dá nahradit 4 novými panelami p a při dnešních cenách se pohybujeme kolem 1800-2500 kč/ks za cca 400W výkonu. Takže ceny jsou dnes celkem slušné takže pokud se jedná o dom, tak bych definitivně zvážil výměnu panelů za nové. Pokud se ale jedná jen o sestavu panelů někde na zahradě kde nebude vadit když to shoří tak bych to možná zvážil opravit. Ale tu je problém, když jde jen o pár kusů z mnoha panelů, tak opravou - vyřazením jednoho článku v panelu se sníží výkon panelu a tím že se sníží výkon co jen jednoho panelu v sestavě tak se sníží výkon celé sestavy. K tomu když bereme do úvahy že problém vzniknul v první řadě tím, že se do panelu dostává vlhkost, tak je to jen dočasné řešení a v budoucnu se to bude jen a jen zhoršovat. Bohužel tady to vidím jen na výměnu všech poškozených panelů nebo celé sestavy. Doporučuju se podívat na video kde je pěkně ukázáno jak se počítá výkon sestavy v různých zapojeních a pěkné srozumitelné video je např tady: ua-cam.com/video/OsOnDmPSwqA/v-deo.html&ab_channel=Cleversolarpower ua-cam.com/video/3d4QSxGFaGw/v-deo.html&ab_channel=EnergyUME Nebo najít nějaké video vysvětlující co se stane když je v sestavě panel s nižším výkonem. Přeju hodně úspěchů při řešení problému. Hello. According to your name, you are probably from CZ or SK. First of all I am not an expert in solar panel repairs and depending on where the solar panels are placed it can have quite a big impact in the event of a fire, so I cannot recommend repairing solar panels and I am not responsible for any damage, everyone needs to know what they are doing and be responsible for their own actions. Solar systems sometimes cause building fires and then it's hard to sue the insurance company or someone who did something wrong. So we're done with the warning. From what I have seen, ``snail trails'' on solar panels are either a cracked cell or oxidation of the contacts and tracks in the solar panel, where there are also microcracks during oxidation. In most cases, this is caused by poor cell quality, or some problem during production where moisture enters the solar panel, etc. Sometimes this happens even with large manufacturers, where the warranty is then applied and the entire problematic series is withdrawn from the market. Otherwise, watch out because these poorly made panels are then sold at a big discount with a partial or no warranty. In my case, I only had a problem with one cell, so I took it out of circulation by essentially shorting it out, but I would never put such a panel back into the assembly on the roof because of safety and then the degradation of the performance of the entire system. I only have it "to try". The solar panel has cells that are connected in series to achieve the required voltage and then those series are connected in parallel to achieve the required current. So it's a very simple principle just like you would connect AA batteries. And now to your problem, it depends on how big the problem is. If it is only a few pieces of solar panels or a lot of panels, I would first of all contact the seller and claim the warranty if the panels are still under warranty and if the warranty is no longer there, I would still contact the seller and ask him how to proceed because the manufacturer should guarantee performance for about 20 to 30 years. But I don't see much chance of success there. So back to the panel repair issue. If the panel is on the roof of the house, I would definitely disconnect it from the assembly due to the risk of fire and degradation of the performance of the entire assembly, and then there is the question of how the other panels are doing, whether it is worth considering to dismantle and replace the entire assembly of panels with new ones. For example, if someone has 10-year-old panels, the power of one panel was around 200-250 w, and today you can buy panels with the same dimensions but with twice the power, so for example 8 old panels can easily be replaced with 4 new p panels and at today's prices we are around 1800-2500 CZK/piece for approx. 400W power. So the prices are quite decent today, so if it is a house, I would definitely consider replacing the panels with new ones. But if it's just a set of panels somewhere in the garden where it won't be a problem if it burns, then I might consider repairing it. But here's the problem, if it's just a few pieces from many panels, then with a fix - eliminating one article in the panel will reduce the performance of the panel, and by reducing the performance of just one panel in the assembly, the performance of the entire assembly will be reduced. In addition, if we take into account that the problem was caused in the first place by moisture getting into the panel, it is only a temporary solution and in the future it will only get worse. Unfortunately, here I can only see it for the replacement of all damaged panels or the entire assembly. I recommend watching the video where it is nicely shown how the performance of the assembly is calculated in different connections, and a nice understandable video can be found here, for example: ua-cam.com/video/OsOnDmPSwqA/v-deo.html&ab_channel=Cleversolarpower ua-cam.com/video/3d4QSxGFaGw/v-deo.html&ab_channel=EnergyUME Or find some video explaining what happens when there is a lower power panel in the assembly. I wish you the best of luck in solving the problem.

  • @JaredAlexanderStevenson
    @JaredAlexanderStevenson 2 місяці тому

    What did you use for Net climbing wall?

    • @jkp
      @jkp 2 місяці тому

      Hi. I used a cargo lashing strap which is a heavy-duty strap used to secure cargo during transport. I don´t know how it is exactly called in english, just put to google cargo lashing strap or cargo ratchet strap. They are available in hardware stores.

    • @JaredAlexanderStevenson
      @JaredAlexanderStevenson 2 місяці тому

      @@jkp thank you

  • @videomaker811
    @videomaker811 2 місяці тому

    That is too huge.. SLA Battery 🤣🤣

  • @shadyman6346
    @shadyman6346 2 місяці тому

    Well, you won’t get fat at least...

  • @TruckerDave215
    @TruckerDave215 3 місяці тому

    650 not bad regular place will charge u 3k easy

  • @djordjezutkovic3463
    @djordjezutkovic3463 3 місяці тому

    Dal su nozevi karbidni?Gde se moze naci zamena kada se potrose?Hvalaaaa pozdrav iz Srbije

    • @jkp
      @jkp 3 місяці тому

      Bok Noževi se mogu okretati, dvostrani su. kažu da su od tvrdog metala a kako blanju ne koristim baš često nisam još kupovao nove noževe. Inače, čini se da su noževi nekakvi univerzalni noževi od 82 milimetra. Unesite google tražilicu - parkside noževi 82mm, i našao je puno stranica gdje ih možete kupiti. onda bih, samo da budem siguran, pisao trgovini gdje prodaju zamjenske noževe hoće li odgovarati parku. ugodan dan. Hi The knives can be turned, they are double-sided. they say they are made of hard metal and since I don't use the planer very often, I haven't had to buy new knives yet. Otherwise, it looks like the knives are some kind of universal 82 millimeter knives. Enter a google search - parkside knives 82mm, and it found a lot of sites where you can buy them. then, just to be sure, I would write to the store where they sell replacement knives if they will fit the parkside. Have a nice day.

  • @Jenny-of4dn
    @Jenny-of4dn 4 місяці тому

    Good to know, tank you! 👍🙏

  • @ameer_salam
    @ameer_salam 4 місяці тому

    can I modify this drone in such a way that It takes input through NRF21oL module or something with which I can run swarm of these drones?

    • @jkp
      @jkp 4 місяці тому

      Hello. I don´t know. This is behind my knowledge. Sorry- can´t help here.

  • @williamobrien992
    @williamobrien992 4 місяці тому

    Nice demonstration!

  • @johio7699
    @johio7699 5 місяців тому

    It's not quite easy to change the brushes on this model, but the complete original motor you get for less than 20,- Euros

    • @tonyefc8423
      @tonyefc8423 3 місяці тому

      Can you tell me where from? I am in UK, and I can't find anywhere that sells the motors for my Makita 6270D drill.

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 5 місяців тому

    Goog job, thank you 😊

  • @VancouverCharlotte
    @VancouverCharlotte 5 місяців тому

    Clear sunny days in the winter may be rare but they're usually the coldest so I think it's worth it to buy some cheap panels and rig them up. ♥️💯🇨🇦🇨🇿

  • @jeff7798
    @jeff7798 5 місяців тому

    Ingenious use of resistors,Ieveryone else thinks of using battery bank and inverter the heater,which is so inefficient, I never would have thought resistors with heat sink. You sir are a genius, keep doing cool stuff

  • @johnbrzezinski1446
    @johnbrzezinski1446 5 місяців тому

    I couldn't watch because the one channel audio makes it impossible to listen.

    • @jkp
      @jkp 5 місяців тому

      Hi. Yes I have problem with my computer, there is something wrong with mic plug or something. But not all video is like that it is mostly from beginning. I was frustrated when I was editing video because sound was much worse so after few attempts to solve it I just let it go with sound like this.

    • @johnbrzezinski1446
      @johnbrzezinski1446 5 місяців тому

      Thanks. Good luck.

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 6 місяців тому

    Thanks for information 😊

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 6 місяців тому

    Thanks, nice video 🙏🏻

  • @adamshirley4549
    @adamshirley4549 7 місяців тому

    Exceptional work bud! Your daughter will cherish this forever.

  • @Candle101
    @Candle101 7 місяців тому

    40% timing?

  • @gladiatormechs5574
    @gladiatormechs5574 7 місяців тому

    is their anything that can be added to the PLA melting process that will make the PLA melt with a more LIQUIDY pourable viscosity... ALSO MUST REMAIN AQUARIUM SAFE ?

    • @jkp
      @jkp 7 місяців тому

      Hello. I don´t know. if you add another type of plastic or additive it will no longer be PLA. Adding some solvent will be probably bad for water animals. Basically PLA is used in 3d printing machines and more liquidity can be done by increasing heat. in minute 7:45 you can see top layer of plastic is quite liquid because is very hot. I can imagine if you heat plastic to very high teperature- it will be liquid, but again, high risk of fumes, fire an maybe explosion depending on machine you will use for heating. And why it needs to be PLA? if you dont need to be specifically PLA , you can use hot glue plastic. hot glue plastic requires lower temperature to liquifi and if you can modifi hot glue gun for highier tempereture- you can get it to be quite running. I was using hot glue to create nice casting when I needed to modell missing part from electrical plug in my another project. I just left glue gun to heat up for 30 minutes until glue was at max temperature. So with PLA I can se possible way only with high temperature, but hot glue may be an easy alternative for you. There are also special sealing plastics which are used for waterproofing showers and it may be safe for aquariums when they fully dry. It really depents what specifically you want to create. Have a nice day.

    • @gladiatormechs5574
      @gladiatormechs5574 7 місяців тому

      thank you, i need it to remelt PLA because that is what my failed 3 D prints are made of... after watching your video i feel that fire heat can melt the PLA into a pourable condition.. thanks again.@@jkp

  • @999GAMER-
    @999GAMER- 7 місяців тому

    I am here the last guy on universe to comment on this video

    • @jkp
      @jkp 7 місяців тому

      Yes. It is 8 year old video - Still interesting for me to see what everything I was doing than, because I totally forgot about this video. UA-cam is like free storage place for videos.🙂

  • @999GAMER-
    @999GAMER- 7 місяців тому

    Tried well 💀

  • @DeepSpeed_7
    @DeepSpeed_7 9 місяців тому

    What size is the stock motors ? 720 ?????

    • @jkp
      @jkp 9 місяців тому

      Hello. Yes original motors was 720.

    • @DeepSpeed_7
      @DeepSpeed_7 9 місяців тому

      @@jkp can i get your Instagram ? I wanted to ask some more questions regarding the drone please 🤨

  • @shrimpinpat
    @shrimpinpat 9 місяців тому

    Gotta have playground envy tho with that castle back there! Wowzers! Great build I’m going to follow your concepts and do this for my daughter. The cheap playgrounds all look like they will fall apart in a year.

  • @kiwiJetsurf
    @kiwiJetsurf 9 місяців тому

    Hey would a heat gun work to burn the PLA plastic out of a plaster mould?

    • @jkp
      @jkp 9 місяців тому

      Hi. Well I don´t have experience with plaster mold and PLA but in theory PLA melting point is around 180-220 degrees celsia (356-420 ℉) so standard hot air gun with output of 1800W - 650 celsia (1200 ℉) is able to melt PLA. But it is not all. It depends how big is area to heat- how big is plaster mold, if PLA is outside of mold or inside etc. Sorry but I don´t know answer for sure. I am thinking that if you have plaster mold small enough, you can put it inside oven and heat it to max so PLA will pour out of the mold, but this will create harmful gasses or there is risk of fire so using oven inside house is not good idea. You can also use gas torch with flames reaching temperatures over 1000 degrees celsia (1800℉) but this will burn PLA so you will be left with black ashes of PLA and a lot of poisonous gasses. I don´t know what is best option for you in your situation.

    • @IberianCraftsman
      @IberianCraftsman Місяць тому

      I have, yes it works, i made short video about it on my channel to clear 3D printer nozzles.

  • @m-i-lanartvideo5367
    @m-i-lanartvideo5367 9 місяців тому

    Parádne ohnisko na záhradu

  • @brooksstone2098
    @brooksstone2098 10 місяців тому

    One of the other guys on UA-cam put a heater inside of a tank with sand and if heated the sand through the solar panel and warmed his house

    • @jkp
      @jkp 10 місяців тому

      Very interesting. I found some videos about this. So sand is slowly releasing the heat for a few hours acting like a heat battery. It is very interesting concept but probably for bigger solar system. On Sunday I am releasing the second video. I am planning to test heating a house with solar panels in autumn and winter. Solar panels will not have enough power to fully heat the house so it will only be like a secondary heating source and because of that I don't need to store heat energy as I need to heat air as much as possible. But with more solar panels with higher output (I guess more than 3kW) it would be good to store some energy for evening release. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

    • @brooksstone2098
      @brooksstone2098 10 місяців тому


  • @kenputer56
    @kenputer56 10 місяців тому

    I use direct to PTC heater with dc fan to move the heat

    • @jkp
      @jkp 10 місяців тому

      Hello. I was thinking about this. PTC heater resistance increases when temperature increase. so I don´t know how it works when there are clouds and solar panel doesn't give as much power as it should. for example if you have 12V 150W solar panel combined with 150W PTC heater, on full sun it will work, but what is efficiency of PTC heater when there are clouds and voltage on solar panel will drop to 8 volts with only 70W of power output? I am aiming what is efficiency of the system, if PTC heater use all available power of solar panel. Next problem is that I found 12V PTC heaters and I have 30V open voltage- it will burn the fan of heater. So there must be correct solar panel for correct PTC heater or needs to be adding resistor for fan to lower the voltage. But it is interesting to know. Thank you.

  • @unionse7en
    @unionse7en 10 місяців тому

    I frequently run water pumps straight from a solar panel without issues. One factor for light bulbs as resistors it their resistance changes when they heat up, so account for that.

    • @jkp
      @jkp 10 місяців тому

      Hello. Yes light bulbs are not good - I am almost ready with second part where I changed tight bulbs for heating resistors. That is why my measurements was so messy. Video will be ready hopefully on Sunday. 🙂

  • @user-yl6op7ji4s
    @user-yl6op7ji4s 10 місяців тому

    What was that?

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 11 місяців тому

    So many zucchinni 😮

  • @eone2345
    @eone2345 Рік тому

    The cat sure is very clingy 😂

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Well done, very good video ☘️🌿

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Thanks for the video, very informative

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Dobrá práca, pekná záhrada 🦋🐝🐞🌿

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    😮🤩😋 huge!!!!

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Dobre si to urobil, pevný regál 🦾💪

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Good job JKP guy 👍

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому

    Well done, beautiful garden 🪴

  • @milakrahulcova8642
    @milakrahulcova8642 Рік тому


  • @ramanmonga3409
    @ramanmonga3409 Рік тому

    Its looking good. How did you secure this structure with ground? Do we not need any anchors/cement etc? Will this survive wind gust? Thanks

    • @jkp
      @jkp Рік тому

      Hello. I didnt secure it to the ground. Structure is sitting only on metal plates and plates are there just to prevent from ground moisture to get into construction. Structure by itself is quite heavy and there is not any large area for wind to push. We had here few times wind gusts about 90 km/hour and it is not moving at all. I guess that maybe in areas with tornadoes and huricanes anchoring to the ground is necessary, but in my country we do not have wind stronger than 120km/hour. My friend was building something similar and he used earth screws which is also good because you can adjust height and it is literally screwed to the ground, but in my build I didnt use anything. If it is necessary probably depend on your location. Have a nice day.

  • @lindabriggs5118
    @lindabriggs5118 Рік тому

    We used to grow our potatoes using old tires. We'd stack them on top of the other. It's quite the space saving use of old tires. One year, we had so many potatoes, I literally gave some away. There was no way my family was going to be able to use over 400 lbs of potatoes! LOL!

  • @bobbyg382
    @bobbyg382 Рік тому

    I have 9 guinea pigs, and I must say I am jealous of this hutch!

  • @itsjustpractice
    @itsjustpractice Рік тому

    My family is building this very soon! Love it! What kind of trees are those just behind the play structure (with the large leaves)?

    • @jkp
      @jkp Рік тому

      Hello. it is paulownia tree. This tree is fast growing with big leaves from the begining and later leaves will be smaller but tree should have nice flowers. There are few different kinds of paulownia so you can google it. Have a nice day.